Learning to save money you already have!!!!!

Everyone seems to always need more money. My solution is to learn to save money that you already have instead of needing to make more, or needing a second job!!!


Sunday, February 22, 2009

Stock up price on Goldfish crackers

Target has Goldfish crackers on a temporary price cut right now for $1.66 (this price cut may not be available at all stores).
Buy 2 bags at $1.66 each
Use two $1/1 Target coupons here( this coupon can be printed as many times as you want)-register through HotCouponWorld (this IS a safe site and they won't send you spam)
Use one $1/2 coupon here (you can only get this coupon printed two times)
And you'll pay about $0.16 each per bag after the coupons and sales fr the first two bags. All remaining bags are still only $.66 each per bag and still a great stock up price!

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